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20 Things That Make No Sense About The Big Bang Theory

In the past decade, few television series have maintained ratings as strong as The Big Bang Theory. The show is considered by many to be the most popular sitcom in recent years, leaving fans still grappling with the recent news that season 12 will be the final season of the series.

Jim Parsons has made Sheldon Cooper one of the quirkiest and most instantly recognizable television characters. Other stars like Mayim Bialik have also gained a significant fan following.

While it's generally been a pretty lighthearted series, it has featured a surprising amount of character development, especially where Sheldon Cooper is concerned.

After all, despite being completely disinterested in a romantic relationship early on, Sheldon just married Amy Farrah Fowler in the season 11 finale after years of dating her.

The series certainly has its fair share of achievements over the years. Any show running as long as The Big Bang Theory is bound to have its inconsistencies, though.

For a show that deals with nerd culture, sometimes they did not do their homework as certain elements of movies, television shows, video games, and books were not accurately represented.

Some other inconsistencies were created by the spinoff series Young Sheldon as the portrayal of seemingly established and new characters alike contradicted what fans thought they knew from The Big Bang Theory.

Other problems were created from choices that don't make sense given things that happened in earlier seasons.

Make sure to find your spot as we explore the 20 Things That Make No Sense About The Big Bang Theory.

20 The Sheldon Inconsistency

Numerous times it is established that Sheldon is disinterested and even somewhat repulsed by the idea of intimate relationships, something which adds a great deal of humor and at times conflict in his relationship with Amy.

This makes it strange that Sheldon and Leonard went to an adult bank to make money in the pilot episode.

With all the ways Sheldon could make additional money, going to an adult bank seems like the last place he'd go considering his attitude toward intimate relationships.

Given that it was the pilot episode, the writers were likely still trying to nail down the nuances of their characters.

While they had a lot already working for Sheldon, they didn't have everything figured out.

This doesn't change the fact that it presents a major inconsistency with his character, though.

19 Penny's Disappearing Friends

In the early seasons of The Big Bang Theory, Penny had friends outside the show's core group of series regulars.

Whether it was a night out dancing or watching a University of Nebraska football game together, Penny had other friends in her life.

Once Bernadette and Amy became Penny's close friends, though, those other friends were never seen again.

Changing friends and who one is close to naturally changes, but it tends to be gradual and not so sudden.

There at least should've been some kind of explanation about why Penny chose to no longer spend time with those old friends.

18 The Memory Of Sheldon's Father

The memory of Sheldon's father George Cooper Sr. is treated very differently in The Big Bang Theory than Lance Barber's portrayal of the character in Young Sheldon.

The Big Bang Theory generally paints George Cooper Sr. in a negative light, with mentions of his heavy drinking and that Sheldon came home one day to see his father sleeping with another woman.

The character is nothing like this in Young Sheldon as he is a dedicated family man.

He may be unable to understand or relate to Sheldon much of the time, but he still tries to support his son, and has stuck his neck out for him on more than one occasion.

He also makes time for his other children, taking his daughter Missy out to dinner so they can bond.

17 The Finite Justice League

When dressing up as the Justice League for the New Year's Eve costume party at Stuart's comic book store, Raj was upset about having to be Aquaman.

It was written as if Aquaman was the only choice for him with the characters of Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Lantern, and the Flash already taken by other members of the group.

The problem here is that in various iterations over the years, the Justice League has included far more than this finite set of characters.

If Raj didn't want to be Aquaman, he could've chosen from any number of other Justice League characters like Cyborg, Hawkman, or original Justice League member Martian Manhunter.

For such superhero fans it doesn't make sense that neither Raj nor any of the other characters ever bring this up.

16 Still Making Fun Of Nerd Culture

The Big Bang Theory still makes nerd culture seem abnormal and uses it as the butt of jokes. The thing is that nerd culture has been part of the popular culture sphere for quite some time now.

Today's seemingly never-ending stream of new superhero movies and shows exist because there is widespread appeal and appetite for such content.

Conventions like San Diego Comic-Con are closely covered by numerous media outlets because of their popularity and what they reveal about upcoming entertainment.

When Penny calls the guys losers for being excited about a classic movie like Raiders of the Lost Ark, she's the one who ends up sounding like she's out of touch.

Continuing to make fun of the characters' nerdy interests no longer makes sense given how commonplace so many of these interests has become in society.

15 Sheldon's Cat Allergy

In season 1, Leonard mentions that Sheldon has an asthmatic allergy to cats. In season 4, however, Sheldon adopts an extensive number of cats with no allergic consequences.

Not only was he surrounded by many cats, but Sheldon actually grew quite affectionate of them, petting them and even keeping them in his room. These factors definitely should've affected his asthmatic allergy.

One could argue that Leonard was wrong about Sheldon's allergy, but it seems unlikely given all the irritating things Leonard is forced to remember about his friend.

Leonard would never lump another condition in there when he already has so many to keep track of on a regular basis.

14 The Missed Buffy The Vampire Slayer Opportunity

The Big Bang Theory has never been shy about incorporating real-life figures from science and entertainment into the show.

Mark Hamill officiated Sheldon and Amy's wedding, Sheldon met Stephen Hawking and became friendly with him, and Star Trek: The Next Generation actor Wil Wheaton even became a recurring character.

This made it strange when Buffy the Vampire Slayer star Eliza Dushku appeared as an FBI agent investigating Howard Wolowitz.

In a show rife with references, it's an odd move to cast Dushku in a role that could've gone to any number of actors.

There at least should've been some kind of reference to the FBI agent looking like Faith from Buffy, but the connection is ignored entirely.

13 Penny Is Too Tolerant Of Howard's Creepiness

Particularly in the show's earliest seasons, Howard was downright creepy in many of his interactions with Penny.

Not only were many of his comments to her misogynistic, but he took disturbing actions as well, including putting a webcam in a teddy bear that he gave her.

While she had moments of voicing her disgust and frustration with Howard's advances, she still continues to hang out with him and the rest of the group.

At a certain point it seems like she'd be less tolerant about hanging out with him because of his creepiness.

No matter how much she liked spending time with Leonard, that doesn't change the fact that Howard was making her incredibly uncomfortable.

12 Leonard Doesn't Know Major Harry Potter Spoilers

When Leonard started reading the Harry Potter series for the first time, he was thoroughly enjoying the books and rightfully enraged when Sheldon spoiled that Dumbledore died at the end of The Half-Blood Prince.

It's difficult to believe that Leonard had never heard this spoiler before. Not only is Harry Potter well-liked among the nerd community, but it also became a staple of popular culture.

Dumbledore's passing is arguably one of the most significant and widely discussed spoilers out there, on par with Darth Vader revealing himself as Luke Skywalker's father.

To make this even more inconceivable, both Sheldon and Amy have read all the books.

Harry Potter may not be as important to Sheldon as Star Trek, but given his personality it's difficult to imagine he hadn't talked about the books at length and mentioned major spoilers without regard for those like Leonard who hadn't finished reading the books.

11 Stuart's Personality Was Changed

When Stuart was first introduced, he was portrayed as a fairly cool and confident nerdy guy. He seemed to be pretty happy and comfortable with his life running the comic book store.

Stuart was even portrayed as a bit suave, smoothly flirting with Penny and getting her number soon after meeting her. They even went on a date and Penny invited him back to her apartment afterwards.

The writers drastically changed Stuart as he went from essentially a fairly confident person into becoming a perpetually depressed and awkward character.

This was likely done to help elevate some of the other characters and to make the Leonard-Penny relationship work, but the major shift in Stuart still feels inconsistent with the character fans first met.

10 Tam Is Never Mentioned

Young Sheldon introduced Tam, who became Sheldon's closest friend in high school. The two characters bond over feeling like outsiders in high school and share a lot of the same interests.

Years before Sheldon would meet Leonard and Penny, Tam was among the most supportive and understanding individuals in Sheldon's life.

That's why it makes no sense that in 11 seasons such an important person as Tam is been mentioned by Sheldon or his family during The Big Bang Theory.

The writers have realized this error and are going to try and rectify it in season 12 as they bring Tam into The Big Bang Theory, hopefully with a satisfying explanation of his absence and complete lack of mention.

9 Sheldon's Attitude Toward The Clone Wars

When Leonard asks Sheldon if he wants to watch The Clone Wars television series, Sheldon says he needs to watch The Clone Wars movie first because "I prefer to let George Lucas disappoint me in the order he intended."

While The Clone Wars movie wasn't well-received by many fans, the television series remains fiercely popular, so much so that the show is making a comeback even though it was cancelled a few years ago.

Many fans consider the television series to be George Lucas's last great contribution to Star Wars before selling Lucasfilm to Disney.

Despite being such a big Star Wars fan, Sheldon's attitude toward The Clone Wars is not consistent with the fandom.

Even some of the most critical Star Wars fans love The Clone Wars television series, with precious few viewing it as a disappointment.

8 Penny Setting Up Bernadette And Howard

Despite Howard being creepy towards her on many occasions, Penny still decided to set him up with her friend Bernadette.

Penny was smart enough to know in a weird way that Howard and Bernadette would be a good match for one another with their personalities and overbearing mothers.

Still, it's hard to imagine Penny comfortably setting up Howard with her friend given his past creepiness.

There's just something not right about having your friend date a guy who once gave you a teddy bear with a webcam hidden inside it.

Penny could've told Bernadette about all sorts of unsettling things that Howard said and did, but instead she did everything in her power to make their relationship a reality.

7 Leonard's High School Bully Is Sheldon's Father?

Young Sheldon made a head-scratching casting choice with Lance Barber playing Sheldon's father George Cooper Sr. as Barber had already appeared in The Big Bang Theory as Leonard's high school bully Jimmy Speckerman.

For countless reasons the two characters obviously are not the same person.

Yet, it has led to confusion among some fans who are still looking for some kind of meaningful connection that just isn't there.

Barber is arguably a much better fit for George Cooper Sr. than he is as an adult version of Leonard's high school bully, but that doesn't change the fact that it is a glaring continuity error.

6 Amy's Relationship With Costumes

When the group is dressing up as the Justice League for the New Year's Eve costume party at Stuart's comic book store, Sheldon says Amy won't dress up as Wonder Woman because she doesn't like wearing costumes.

The problem with this is that Amy has happily worn costumes at other points in the show.

She's dressed up as Snow White, a Star Trek nurse, and as Raggedy Ann for a couples costume with Sheldon.

Perhaps Sheldon knew that Amy wouldn't want to dress up as Wonder Woman, but he's wrong to say that she has any kind of aversion to wearing costumes in general.

5 Apartment Rent

For much of the show, Penny lives by herself while Leonard and Sheldon live together in an apartment across the hall.

There are numerous mentions throughout the show that Leonard and Sheldon live together in order to afford the rent, including mentions that Sheldon might live by himself if he could afford it.

This indicates the rent is steep if two scientists need to split it. For most of the time she lived by herself, though, Penny was a waitress and a struggling actor receiving very few roles.

It's difficult to reconcile how given that employment status she was affording the rent all on her own while Leonard and Sheldon needed one another to afford it.

4 The Permanently Broken Elevator

The permanently broken elevator is one of The Big Bang Theory's running gags, requiring the characters to climb the apartment stairs in all sorts of situations. The elevator situation doesn't make sense on a couple levels, though.

For one thing, there's no way an apartment building would let its elevator remain out of service for more than a decade.

This negligence would drive a number of people to move out and dissuade many individuals who require an elevator from moving in.

The show has also provided conflicting stories and timelines about how the elevator broke.

A flashback showed Sheldon throwing a volatile science experiment of Leonard's into the elevator in order to save their lives.

The number of years ago that this took place is inconsistent with the number of years ago Leonard says it broke at a different point.

3 Mainstream Video Games

Despite being such nerds, Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, and Raj generally play mainstream video games.

Halo night is a staple in their schedule, but Halo is practically the definition of a mainstream game, which is something that CollegeHumor has poked fun at before.

Other games their friend group frequently plays like World of Warcraft also stem from a pretty mainstream selection.

It would make more sense if they played more niche games.

In fact, it could've been a great way to give some of those games more exposure to a larger audience. Instead, the show stuck with very predictable and well-known choices.

2 Penny's Nebraskan Hobby

One of Penny's favorite hobbies from when she lived in Nebraska was cow tipping. Yet, science has proven that cow tipping is generally impossible.

It generally tends to be a rural stereotype, one The Big Bang Theory has certainly milked on several occasions.

Aware of the scientific inaccuracy, Sheldon and Leonard even tried to prove to Penny at one point that it's impossible.

There are suggestions that Penny has a false memory of cow tipping.

This doesn't add up, though, since when Leonard called Penny's father to ask her what she liked to do as a kid in Nebraska, Leonard ended up taking her to the shooting range because he said it was easier than getting a cow for her to tip.

1 Too Much Patience For Sheldon

Audiences know that underneath all the quirks and inability to properly read many social situations, Sheldon is a good person at heart.

That being said, the characters do have a bit too much patience for him.

It's easy to forget about his good heart when Sheldon berates the intelligence of others and mocks their preferences.

He is frequently insensitive to the needs and emotions of others while requiring a tremendous amount of sensitivity when it comes to his needs and emotions.

Amy and his friends understand how he operates, but that doesn't change the fact that they have an astounding amount of patience for his antics.

They give a lot to Sheldon and he doesn't always give a lot back to them. He has definitely grown as a character in this regard, but that doesn't change the unequal dynamics between him and the others in his social circle.


What else do you think makes no sense about The Big Bang Theory? Let us know in the comments section!

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