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Game Of Thrones: 10 People Cersei Lannister Should Have Been With (Other Than Jaime)

Cersei Lannister certainly could have chosen a better love interest than her twin brother, Jaime. The incestuous relationship between the Lannister twins shocked fans from the first episode of Game Of Thrones. Their unhealthy relationship resulted in the War of the Five Kings and the near extinction of House Lannister.

RELATED: Game Of Thrones: 10 People Jaime Lannister Should Have Been With Other Than Cersei

Cersei was a toxic influence in Jaime's life. She encouraged the Kingslayer to be the worst version of himself and demanded loyalty from her brother that she wasn't willing to reciprocate. Several other characters in the hit HBO fantasy drama would have made a better match with the evil queen...

10 Euron Greyjoy

Euron Greyjoy was one of the most disappointing villains in Game Of Thrones. He first appears in season six after he returns to Pyke and kills the reigning King of the Iron Islands - and his brother - Balon. Euron becomes king and aligns with Cersei after his plans to marry Daenerys are thwarted by Theon and Yara.

Cersei and Euron were a diabolical couple who were both as ruthless and power-hungry as each other. He killed Rhaegal and fought the Mother of Dragons to prove his love to the Lannister queen. Cersei's inclusion in Euron's story elevated the underwhelming antagonist slightly.

9 Ned Stark

An alliance between Ned Stark and Cersei Lannister, whilst highly unlikely, would have prevented the War of the Five Kings before it began. Ned initially discovers Cersei's affair with Jaime and the true parentage of the royal children. Cersei warns him to keep this information to himself but Ned's honor ultimately leads to his death.

Ned showed genuine care and concern for Cersei in season one. He opposes his best friend Robert when he assaults his wife and understands the drunken king's obsession with Lyanna Stark more than anyone.

8 Oberyn Martell

Cersei and Oberyn shared significant chemistry during their scenes together in season four. In the A Song Of Ice And Fire book series, Cersei's mother Joanna plans to marry her to Oberyn after the Dornish prince visits Casterly Rock. This plan fails after Joanna dies and Cersei instead marries Robert Baratheon.

Cersei and Oberyn would have been an impressive power couple who could have ruled Westeros. Oberyn was the prince of Dorne and Cersei was one of the most powerful political players in the Seven Kingdoms.

7 Loras Tyrell

Tywin plans to marry Cersei to Loras Tyrell in season three. The Lannisters are almost defeated by Stannis Baratheon but the forces of Highgarden arrive to save them in the nick of time. Tywin thanks the Tyrells for their support by marrying Margaery to Joffrey and betrothing Cersei and Loras.

RELATED: Game Of Thrones: 5 Times Jaime Should've Dumped Cersei (& 5 Vice-Versa)

Tywin acted quickly to prevent Olenna Tyrell from proposing a marriage alliance between Loras and Sansa Stark. Cersei and Loras may have despised each other but at least they weren't brother and sister.

6 Jon Snow

Cersei Lannister and Jon Snow became the two most powerful people in Westeros in the season six finale "The Winds Of Winter." Jon is crowned King in the North by his people following the Battle of the Bastards. Cersei ascends the Iron Throne after the deaths of her children.

It would have been a wise move on Cersei's behalf if she had sought an alliance with the new King in the North. Jon and the Northerners would have been valuable allies against Daenerys and Cersei could have used the truth about Jon's parentage to weaken the Targaryen queen's claim to the throne.

5 Daenerys Targaryen

Alternatively, it would have been an interesting subversion of expectations if Cersei had ditched her brother Jaime for the Dragon Queen. Cersei and Daenerys were at war for the Iron Throne and were bitter enemies. Dany kills Cersei after she destroys the Red Keep with Drogon's fire.

Both queens were powerful and had a penchant for burning people. In the books, both queens have sexual encounters with other women. Cersei and Daenerys were great rivals but could have been unstoppable allies.

4 Doran Martell

Doran Martell was the older brother of Oberyn and the reigning Prince of Dorne until his death. He looks after Cersei's daughter Myrcella whilst she is in Sunspear and shows genuine concern for the Lannister princess. Doran was a shrewd political player and could have been an interesting match for Cersei.

RELATED: Game Of Thrones: The 10 Worst Things Cersei Lannister Did To Sansa Stark

Cersei would have despised leaving King's Landing initially but could have warmed up to the Dornish environment if she traveled to Sunspear with her daughter. Doran would have been a valuable ally who could have thawed Cersei's heart.

3 Robert Baratheon

Cersei was married to Robert for nearly twenty years, yet the Baratheon king never truly got over his first love, Lyanna Stark. If he had been more appreciative of the Lannister queen then they could have been a truly unstoppable power couple.

Cersei is initially excited to wed Robert and attempted to put her incestuous affair with Jaime behind her and make her royal marriage work. However, Robert's neglect slowly poisoned his wife against him and led to the destruction of his legacy.

2 Rhaegar Targaryen

Rhaegar Targaryen was one of the most desirable men in Westeros until his death. The handsome Targaryen prince married Elia Martell before he eloped with Lyanna Stark, but initially, Tywin Lannister lobbied for his daughter Cersei to marry the Crown Prince of Dragonstone until the Mad King spitefully refused the match.

Cersei was besotted by Rhaegar and was eagerly awaiting their wedding. She was distraught when Robert killed Rhaegar on the battlefield and laments in the books how she would have preferred to marry the Targaryen prince.

1 Dickon Tarly

Dickon Tarly featured briefly in Game Of Thrones. Yet, as the heir to House Tarly, he was one of the most powerful people in Westeros and would have made a valuable ally for Cersei. House Tarly was named the new rulers of the Reach after Olenna Tyrell allied with Daenerys. Dickon was heir to one of Westeros' largest kingdoms and offering to marry him would have kept his father Randyl loyal to House Lannister.

Dickon sadly met a fiery demise in season seven after Daenerys and the Dothraki ambush the Lannister forces. The Targaryen queen executes the Tarlys with dragonfire, putting an end to this hypothetical union.

NEXT: Game Of Thrones: The 5 Worst Things Tyrion Did To His Family (& 5 They Did To Him)

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