Supernatural has all kinds of relationships we love. Most notably, the sibling relationship between Sam and Dean. They would obviously do anything for one another, even if it means taking a fall themselves. Beyond the Winchesters, though, we've witnessed plenty of other relationships in the last fifteen seasons. From Dean and Sam's romantic conquests to friendships, they've encountered plenty of people over the years.
There were potential relationships that never came to be, whether it was for Sam, or Dean, or someone else on SPN. However, that doesn't mean said relationships can never exist -- that's what fan fiction is for, after all. That said, here are 10 fan fiction relationships that we wish were real.
10 Crowley and Castiel

"Crowstiel" doesn't seem like such an odd pairing when you think about it. Most encounters that Crowley and Castiel had were antagonistic, but it carried a vibe of attraction, however slim, beneath their jabs. They tended to mock each other and give one another a hard time, but it could've played out very differently had the show taken the liberty.
Imagine, an angel and the King of Hell, a couple. How many feathers would that have ruffled, and how fun would it have been to see how it would affect their relationship, as well as the people (like the Winchesters) around them? Sadly, with Crowley gone, we'll never know (unless we read about it in fanfiction).
9 Dean & Layla

In Season 1, Dean's life is saved by a preacher performing miracles. While there, he meets Layla, a woman diagnosed with a tumor also looking for a miracle cure. Unfortunately, Dean discovers that the miracles aren't really miracles -- the preacher's wife is using a Reaper to kill those she considers sinners to supply the miracles her husband performs.
Most things are too good to be true for the Winchesters, but this experience proved to be among the harder times for Dean to do his job, especially considering it would mean preventing Layla's life from being saved. The two had a connection, and even share a heartfelt goodbye at the end of the episode, as Dean knows he won't see Layla again.
8 Bobby & Ellen

In a way, we got to see these two together in canon, thanks to an alternate timeline in a Season 6 episode. In the alternate timeline, Bobby and Ellen are happily married. They would've been a great couple in the actual timeline of the show, though.
Both deserved happiness since each tragically lost their significant others because of the supernatural. They could've related on that, plus considering the two are in the hunting life they could've been a great team. With Ellen and Bobby both deceased now, perhaps they'll get a shot in Heaven.
7 Charlie & Dorothy

It's clear the two were interested in one another from the moment they met. They had a striking chemistry and worked well together, tracking down the Wicked Witch in Sam and Dean's bunker. They had much in common, and Charlie was a fan of the books that Dorothy's father had written about her.
They craved adventure and quests, something beyond the hunting lifestyle that Dean and Sam are accustomed to. That's why Dorothy invites Charlie along to help her save Oz at the end of the Season 9 episode. Though we're not sure what Dorothy has been up to since then, and Charlie has since passed away, perhaps the other Charlie and Dorothy could have a moment before the series concludes.
6 Sam & Ava

The pairing seems highly unlikely. Ava was engaged, and she and Sam only knew one another for a day before she disappeared. Sam later sees her again when he's sent to battle against the other "special" children thanks to Yellow Eyes, but comes to find that Ava has been killing off every group sent in since her disappearance in order to survive. She's not the person she once was, and she later dies.
Still, the two were both "special" children and could've related on that topic. Plus, Ava showed some aptitude for the hunting life when she helped Sam steal some confidential files and used information from her dream to track down Sam and warn him of his impending death. Fanfiction, however, gives us the opportunity to play out Ava and Sam's fate in an entirely different manner.
5 Sam & Sarah

We saw what these two could have been, thanks to a Season 1 episode. Sadly, it all stops short as Dean and Sam leave town -- and Sarah -- behind at the end of the episode. Though Sarah is previously unaware of the supernatural world, she adjusts to it well for a first-timer and even helps Sam and Dean on the case. Even Dean told Sam to "marry that girl." Sarah was Sam's first real flame since Jessica's death, but his lifestyle broke them up.
By the time he sees Sarah again in Season 8, she's married and has moved on, and she's ultimately killed by Crowley. It's sad that she and Sam never had a real chance at love, and it could've been something truly special. We definitely wish this relationship could've been more realistic than the brief snippets we were given, but that's what fan fiction is for.
4 Dean & Bela

Their relationship, if nothing else, would've been built upon endless fiery passion. The two were equally stubborn and as Bela once remarked in a Season 3 episode, she and Dean should have "angry sex." Bela wasn't a hunter but she was a thief of supernatural objects, so she did understand Dean's world to some degree. Dean may have wanted to shoot her most of the time but deep down, it seems Bela intrigues him, at least in the way she keeps outwitting him and Sam.
Bela can be nice to Dean, though it's usually to get something she wants. In any case, it would've been interesting to see how their relationship would've played out -- at least until Bela's death (and even beyond, because if Dean had loved her, he would've found a way to bring her back).
3 Dean & Castiel

Without a doubt, most fan fiction seems to focus on Dean and Castiel. It's true, they have a deep connection and have helped each other through plenty since they met in Season 4. On the show, they are very good friends that share a brotherly kind of relationship.
For fans, they see more, hence the creation of "Destiel." It doesn't look like we'll see anything more than friendship from Dean and Castiel (especially since the two aren't really friends at the moment), but that's why we utilize fan fiction to live out our fantasies.
2 Dean & Jo

These two were absolutely perfect for each other, and it breaks the hearts of fans, knowing that these two never had their moment in the sun. They had so much in common: they were both the children of hunters, they both had deeper reasons for hunting themselves, etc. They were going in the same direction and had a fun, easy chemistry that had all the potential for true love.
Yet, apparently the factor of wrong place and wrong time kept interfering with any chances Dean and Jo may have had to be together until Jo ultimately died in Season 5. Her ghost has returned once since then, and we hope we'll get at least one more chance to witness another Dean and Jo moment before the end of Supernatural.
1 Sam & Rowena

Fanfiction refers to this potential couple as "Samwitch" or "Samwena." When you look at their history, the idea of these two isn't so far-fetched. When Sam looks to Rowena for help in decoding The Book of the Damned, it ignited that first potential spark. Since then, the two have related on deeper levels, most specifically their mutual ordeals with Lucifer, who has tortured and killed both Sam and Rowena in the past.
Not to mention Sam was something of a protégé to Rowena's witchcraft, further giving them something in common. With Rowena's most recent sacrifice, however, it doesn't look like the two will ever get a chance together. Not to mention Sam is evidently interested in the recently resurrected Eileen as of current.
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