Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker is finally here. The grand ending of the world's most iconic franchise had so much to digest and take in that it will take months, if not, until the Star Wars fandom fully settles on its opinions of the movie and the sequel trilogy as a whole.
The film was the final opportunity for the hundreds of fan theories that have been floating about since The Force Awakens to come to fruition, and a fair few of them actually did. Here is a collection of 10 fan theories from the Star Wars fandom that came to be true in The Rise Of Skywalker. SPOILERS AHEAD!

The first theory that is confirmed in the film comes in the first few minutes. As fans hear Palpatine and Kylo talking, Palpatine compliments Snoke's training of Kylo, Kylo then exclaims he killed Snoke before Palpatine reveals "I created Snoke".
Ever since the trailers of The Force Awakens, questions have consumed the fandom over Snoke's identity, some thought he was Darth Plageius, others pondered that he could be Mace Windu, and some even speculated Snoke was Palpatine himself, alas the prevailing theory that Palpatine created Snoke in a lab.

Not only was C-3PO one of the highlights of the film, but he also was the cause of much speculation amongst Star Wars fans before the film. With his bowcaster in the poster leak, his red eyes in the trailer and also his heartbreaking quote "taking one last look sir... at my friend's." fans were curious as to what his purpose was.
It turns out the correct theory was that Threepio was having his memory wiped. This was being done to translate the Sith's inscriptions on the dagger and locate the Wayfinder to get to Exogul and Palpatine. But in the end, he ended up having most of his memory restored by Artoo, happy endings all round.

The next theory the film confirms is one that has been going around since The Force Awakens. The theory posited that Rey is a Palpatine. Fans have speculated about Rey's lineage as a Skywalker, Kenobi, Solo, or even a nobody, but the winning theory is she is a Palpatine.
While her parents were not really important, her father was the son of the Emperor himself, making her the granddaughter of Palpatine, left on Jaaku to protect her from the fate Palpatine laid out for her. Kylo reveals this to Rey after Palpatine reveals it to him and demands him to kill her.

The fate of our beloved Princess and General was debated amongst fans in the leadup to the film. With Carrie Fisher passing away three years ago, it was unknown how she would fit in the film. Ultimately, unused footage was edited for the film and rather than survive in the background, Leia passed on.
Leia, weakening by the minute, can sense Rey and Kylo, and uses the last of her strength to call out to Kylo Ren through the Force. At that moment, she is lying down in her quarters and dies. Later in the film, she becomes one with the Force but first, her death led to the confirmation of another major (albeit predictable) theory...

Perhaps the biggest theory relating to Kylo for the past four years, fans have wondered if he was to have the same fate as Vader and be redeemed to the Light side again, and it happens as Leia dies.
As Kylo duels Rey, he hears Leia call out to him and at that moment, Rey impales him. However, Rey, feeling Leia's death and realizing what she has done, heals Kylo. After Rey takes Kylo's ship and leaves, he has a conversation with his father (in what appears to be in his head) and throws his lightsaber into the water, redeeming himself and becoming Ben Solo once again.

Leia's connection with the Force has been a major talking point of Star Wars fans since Yoda's infamous "no, there is another". Yoda was talking about Leia, and her Force powers have been developed from her connection with Luke. It had been a theory that Leia could be a Jedi trained by Luke.
In The Rise Of Skywalker, when Rey is on Ahch-To about to abandon the Force, Luke comes to her. After some The Last Jedi retcon, he gives her Leia's lightsaber, revealing a flashback showing Luke training Leia, something the film hinted at earlier when Rey referred to Leia as "master".

The teaser trailer for The Force Awakens gives the impression that Finn is, in fact, the Force user of the trilogy. Since then, some fans have speculated that perhaps Finn is Force-sensitive, especially given his competency with a lightsaber in The Force Awakens. This theory finally came to a head in The Rise Of Skywalker.
Finn talking about a feeling, an instinct and the fact that the Force brought him together with Rey, Poe, and the Resistance offers a hint. The moment that revealed that Finn is sensitive to the Force is when Rey dies; Finn is seen sensing Rey's death, similar to happens with Leia when Luke passes.

Will it be Finn, Poe, no one, or will it be the long-debated Reylo? While it seemed to appear Finn was going to profess his love for Rey, in the end, Rey kisses Ben Solo, suggesting that "Reylo" is the prevailing love theory.
At the end, when Rey appears to have just died, Ben crawls out the hole Palpatine put him in, limps to Rey, holds her, hugs her and transfers his life Force to her. When Rey wakes up and realizes what Ben has done, they smile at each other and they kiss. While this could be a spur of the moment, a joyous kiss of relief, or maybe even celebration until canon says otherwise, it appears like "Reylo" is a thing. At least until...

Another part of Kylo's fate people have been debating is whether or not he would follow Vader's route. Would he be completely redeemed, only to die in the end? While it was much different than Vader's in terms of how he died, Kylo/Ben does redeem himself and dies.
When Ben saved Rey's life and transferred his life essence to her, he became one with the Force. The poetic beauty behind becoming one with the Force is that he did so at the same time as Leia. Leia's body waited until Ben's death to become one with the Force, and the two last surviving Skywalkers ultimately die.

Harkening back to a deleted scene from Return Of The Jedi where Luke creates his lightsaber, a lot of fans speculated that the same would be a part of The Last Jedi and then The Rise Of Skywalker. While we do not actually see Rey building a lightsabre, the theory is ultimately confirmed.
After using both Luke and Leia's lightsaber to destroy Palpatine, Rey travels to Tatooine to Luke's homestead and buries the two heroes' sabers deep in the sand. Rey then pulls out her own saber, ignited it with its yellow/orange hue, confirming the theory that Rey would abandon Luke's saber and craft her own.
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