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Friends: Joey's 5 Best Outfits (& 5 Worst) | ScreenRant

Friends set the trends for haircuts (looking at you “The Rachel”) and each of the characters on the show all had their own style. Phoebe always had a boho vibe and Chandler was rarely seen without a sweater vest. And let’s admit it, Joey is normally a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy.

RELATED: Friends: Rachel's 5 Best Outfits (& 5 Worst)

He doesn’t typically venture out of his comfort zone when it comes to fashion. Still, he’s had plenty of memorable outfits that have brought on the laughs. Keep reading to take a look at Joey’s 5 best and 5 worst outfits on Friends.

10 Best: When Joey Dressed Up As Chandler For Halloween

In season 8, Monica and Chandler throw a Halloween party at their apartment. Chandler’s a huge pink bunny that Monica got for him, Ross is “spud”-nik and Rachel is wearing a dress that she won’t be able to fit in much longer with her pregnancy. When Joey shows up in his sweater vest it’s instantly recognizable who he is for Halloween. It’s a testament to the showrunners that one simple vest is all it takes to say “Chandler.”

9 Worst: Could I Be Wearing Any More Clothes

Early in season 2, the gang is supposed to be getting ready for an event at Ross’s work. When Ross arrives at Monica’s apartment no one is ready, except for Phoebe who immediately gets a stain on her dress.

RELATED: Friends: Chandler's 5 Best Outfits (& 5 Worst)

Chandler and Joey are like two little kids and keep messing with each other until Chandler hides all of Joey’s underwear and Joey retaliates by putting on every item of clothing in Chandler’s closet. This episode was the show’s 50th.

8 Best: Joey At The PBS Telethon

Joey all dressed up and fancy only happens a few times in all 10 seasons of Friends. In season 5 Joey thinks he’s gotten a job hosting a telethon for PBS and is all decked out in a tux. When he arrives on set it turns out he’s just a phone operator who’s barely getting his arm on screen.

RELATED: Friends: Phoebe's 5 Best Outfits (& 5 Worst)

Phoebe and Joey have an argument about whether it’s possible to do a truly selfless deed. Phoebe shares that she hates PBS and tries to prove to Joey that it’s possible to do a selfless good deed. She donates money to PBS to prove she can be selfless, only for Joey to end up getting on TV because of her donation. Which makes Phoebe feel great and proves a sharply dressed Joey right.

7 Worst: Joey’s Thanksgiving Pants

The Thanksgiving episodes on Friends were always some of the most anticipated of the season. The one with Joey’s Thanksgiving Pants might be one of the best. Appearing in season 8, at the start of the episode Phoebe brings over a bag of maternity clothing for Rachel. A pair of zig-zag pants makes its first appearance of the episode. Monica had planned on not making a turkey that year since Chandler hates Thanksgiving and Rachel was “off” poultry with her pregnancy. Joey convinces Monica he can eat the whole thing and that’s when the pants show up again. They’re horrible, but if anyone can make them work it’s Joey.

6 Best: The One With Joey's Purse

In season 5 Joey has an audition and he wants to look totally pulled together and sharp. Rachel takes him to work and gets him all set up with an outfit, topping it all with a man-bag. Joey looks debonair and he has a place to carry his sandwiches. Win-win. Unfortunately, the casting directors weren’t ready for the man-bag and Joey didn’t get the job because of his purse. They were fools. Joey totally pulled off the purse.

5 Worst: It’s Porsche

In season 6 Joey stumbles upon a set of Porche keys at Central Perk. He finds the car with the intention of waiting for the owner. He ends up getting complimented on his car so often that he ends up pretending to be the owner even washing the car. When the owner comes and picks it up, Joey resorts to wearing all the Porsche gear as if that will get him the same attention. It’s definitely attention-getting, just not in a good way.

4 Best: Joey The Gladiator

At the end of season 5, Joey and Chandler get in a fight about whether a new film Joey’s going to be filming in Las Vegas will be his big break. Chandler doesn’t think it will be and the BFF's end up in a big fight. Cue Joey leaving for Vegas by himself. Chandler wants to apologize and the whole gang decides to head to Vegas to visit Joey.

RELATED: Friends: The 10 Worst Things The Gang Did To Joey

When they find him, it turns out his film was shut down and he’s working as a gladiator at Caesar’s Palace. Nice legs Joey.

3 Worst: Married By A Bloody Soldier

At the end of season 7, Chandler and Monica are getting ready to get married while Joey is working on a big period film with a Hollywood star, played by Gary Oldman. Joey is officiating Monica and Chandler’s wedding but gets stuck at work when his co-star shows up on set drunk as a skunk and can barely get through his lines. Joey finally gets away from work, just in the nick of time, but doesn’t have a chance to change. Which is why Joey marries his two friends in a bloody soldier’s uniform.

2 Best: The One With Phoebe's Wedding

When Phoebe gets married in season 10 everything starts falling apart. Monica is going crazy with the planning, Phoebe doesn’t have anyone to walk her down the aisle, and then a huge blizzard waylays the band. In the end, Joey goes back to his minister roots—when he married Chandler and Monica—and marries Phoebe and Mike. All while looking super dapper in his tux.

1 Worst: Tennis Coach Or Best Man

When Joey married Monica and Chandler he was wearing a costume from his film. A bloody, slashed soldier’s costume. At the start of season 8 Monica tells Joey he has to change, but he doesn’t have any clothes with him. He ends up going shopping in the lobby of the hotel where the reception is being held and shows up in an all-white tennis player outfit. Chandler’s dress shoes are too slippery for him to dance with Monica and viewers learn that Joey has ridiculously small feet.

NEXT: Friends: 10 Hidden Details About Chandler & Joey's Apartment You Never Noticed

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